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El n mero de ofrece en una primera secci n
El número 62 de ofrece, en una primera sección, tres artículos que se ubican en los campos de la literatura, las revistas culturales y en general las redes intelectuales en América Latina. Lucía Di Salvo León y Patricio Herrera González, en “¿Una poética del exilio? La revista y el exilio republica
Nos anos de alguns setores da Igreja cat
Nos anos de 1970 alguns setores da Igreja católica iniciaram uma nova etapa na ligação da instituição com as elites e a política. Outrora a Igreja era parte integrante desse arranjo, neste período se converteu em contestadora da acumulação financeira, das desigualdades, do latifúndio e da autoridade
Studies using fixed site monitoring data rather than persona
Studies using fixed-site monitoring data rather than personal monitoring data are subject to misclassification of the exposure because fixed site monitors do not account for individual mobility that affect exposure. Although, this typically results in non-differential exposure misclassification that
Equally important to the scientific findings
Equally important to the scientific findings of Soka and colleagues\' report is the context of the activities—established not as a research study but as a national programme oriented toward health service provision and risk reduction. The programme packaged semen testing with counselling for survivo
The incidence of AF in Japan
The incidence of AF in Japan was also reported from an early cohort of the Hisayama Study [32] in the period between 1961 and 1984. Similar to the reports from Western countries, the incidence of AF increased with age in both men and women (Fig. 7) [32]. In a recent report of an observational cohort
The electrophysiological mechanisms underlying high frequenc
The electrophysiological mechanisms underlying high frequency activity observed in the PLA during SRAF could be reentry (rotor) or focal discharges (triggered activity). To discriminate between these mechanisms, we perfused ryanodine (10–40μM) or caffeine (5mM) to abolish calcium overload-mediated t
Moore et al in a study
Moore et al., in a study of 40 patients with sarcoidosis and musculoskeletal symptoms, found intramedullary bone lesions on MRI in 43% of patients (17/40) [5]. The lesions ranged in size from 1 to 4cm. Lesions of the large bones and phospholipase c inhibitor were present in 33% of patients (13/40),
Importa acentuar que la colonialidad
Importa acentuar que la colonialidad no descansa sobre la economía como tal, y menos sobre la literatura, sino sobre el devenir de la episteme racial gestada durante el legado colonial latinoamericano. Con ello busca no sólo, o no tanto, una relectura de la historia latinoamericana sino más bien una
La Brev ssima relaci n de la destruyci
La Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, fechada el 8 de diciembre de 1542, se publica en el año 1552 (“… fue rogado e importunado que destas postreras pusiesse algunas por brevedad por escrito”). Finalmente es condenada en 1660 por el Tribunal de la Inq
We also demonstrated by ELISA ELISPOT and CTL assays the
We also demonstrated by ELISA, ELISPOT and CTL assays the capacity of alum to induce a Th1 immune response. The evaluation of the p2x receptors response against LALF32-51 peptide, E7 protein and LALF32-51-E7 fusion protein in immunized mice suggest that the antibodies response generated by the immu
br Ocular surface squamous neoplasia
Ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) has emerged as an important manifestation of the HIV epidemic, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This region has not only gained the unenviable position of having the highest prevalence of OSSN, but patients with HIV tend to present with larger tumours and
Arita et al reported that the mechanism
Arita et al. reported that the mechanism of ST-segment elevation in inferior leads is right coronary artery hypoperfusion due to vasodilation by Bezold–Jarisch-like reflexes that are induced by stimulation of the FK866 in the intra-atrial septum during transseptal puncture and extension [3]. Some
Dexamethasone with its anti inflammatory
Dexamethasone, with its anti-inflammatory properties, has been shown to be an effective medication in the treatment of pain flare and is hypothesized to prevent the phenomenon as well [12]. Despite a lack of literature investigating this hypothesis, currently published phase I and II trials have pro
In our study the levels of BALP
In our study, the levels of BALP, PINP and β-CTx in the serum were significantly (pazilsartan medoxomil markers indicate that the bone formation and bone absorption occur at the same time in patients with BM. Another feature of our research was that we used BTMs clinically to predict the risk of S
As with any open label
As with any open-label study, it is possible that a placebo effect may have contributed to patients analgesia after initiation of the therapy. A randomized placebo-controlled trial would be required to finally prove the high analgesic effect of the loading-dose treatment with Ibandronate in metastat
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